August 30, 2012

Winding Down

Winding down after a wedding is an experience that most people never talk about. While I have no experience with this personally, I feel like I've been ramped up on speed for the past 6 months and am just now coming off of a very long high. Here is the roller-coaster of emotions I've felt in the past 12 days:

1. happiness: during the wedding. seriously, 95% of the time I was blissfully unaware of the small stuff, and was completely happy and blissful the entire day.

2. relief: I felt a little of this following the ceremony stepping into the Mercedes convertible Matt's uncle graciously lent us. I felt WAY more of this when the reception was winding down and I knew things were settled. No one tells you how utterly relieved you are that the one day you've been planning and preparing for for YEARS is over. We were told time and time again that the day goes by way too fast, and I was prepared for that to happen, which is why I wasn't too upset when I realized that it was true. I was more relieved than anything that the stress I had built up in my body could finally start to dissipate. 

3. relaxation: On the way to the honeymoon, after Sunday morning brunch with the family. The entire 3 days we were on Monhegan Island we continuously reminded each other of how awesome everything was, and how we were now married and could allow ourselves to relax. Naps were had that weren't filled with wedding nightmares, strolls were taken, junk food was eaten without hesitation (our one and only pint of Ben and Jerry's we've had in 1.5 years!). 

4. dismay: I admit, I wasn't ready for my vacation to be over. I was thankful that we scheduled 3 weeks before the wedding, but I wasn't happy with only mere days after the wedding. It was very hard trying to motivate myself to get on the plane back to Korea. It was the first time that we've ever experienced "blahness" on our way back home. Usually when we go on vacation we have a blast and then we're ready to go back to Korea and continue with our lives. It wasn't the same this time. Thankfully now that I've been back for 5 days I am starting to feel like myself again!

5. restlessness: I am finding myself randomly thinking about little wedding projects and fretting about who is going to execute them until I remind myself that it's over. It's actually over. No more wedding planning, no point in browsing weddingbee blogs. I'm trying to let the calm sink in, but it's hard when I spent so much of my time preparing for it!

6. love: My hubs is, simply put, a keeper. Seriously, people, not a minute goes by where my heart isn't doing flips and jumping jacks about him. Coming back to Korea and settling into our routine has been a wonderful thing. While I enjoyed the time we spent together at home on vacation, our routine was out of whack, but now we're settling in again. Nightly board game playing, conversations over a hot pot of coffee, river walks, life is good!

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