September 19, 2011

Taking the Lunch Plunge

So I've been talking about bringing my own lunch to school for a while now, but never got around to actually doing it. Today is the first day I'm trying it out, and so far, so good.

My main co-teacher who sits next to me and eats lunch with me every day is gone for the next 3 weeks at a workshop. So lately I've been going to lunch with whoever is around, whether it's the science teacher who is pretty good at English or another English teacher who has offered to go with me.

Well, not today people! When the science teacher approached me this morning and told me she was busy during lunch time, I told her not to worry because I brought my own lunch and will stay in the teacher's room to eat. She seemed surprised, but when I tried to explain "for my diet" to her she understood, seemingly without question. I'm hoping that if I just bring in lunch every day this week they'll get the hint that this is how things are going to be now, and so I'll be off the lunch hook.

By the time my co-teacher gets back, I'll be in a new routine and it will be easy to explain to her anyways.

As silly as this sounds, I'm so relieved that I finally did this. It's so hard to break from the mold here, especially at school, and for the longest time I didn't want to be rude by eating lunch alone. Now that I've made the step, I know I am going to be much happier. Knowing exactly what I'm eating everyday helps me track my diet and exercise in a way that I couldn't before. Whenever I tried to track my food there would be random question marks come lunch time, with god-knows-what kind of sauces and vegetables and meats that were on the menu.

So now, it's easy peasy. I packed a half of a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with a peach and some veggies to munch on. I had yogurt and granola this morning, which has filled me up until lunchtime, so hopefully this will fill me up until dinner time.

Excited to finally have choice! 

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