June 14, 2012

Confessions of a Tom Boy

If you didn't know me, you might think that because I am seemingly obsessed with my wedding that I would be of the girly-girl persuasion. While I LOVE crafting and projects and flowers and pretty things, I am a tom-boy at heart.

This whole wedding business has caused a sort of conflict in my mind. While I have always gravitated towards comfort (re: t-shirts and comfy pants) and natural beauty (re: no make up and lack of hair style), my wedding has turned me into an etsy-searching, dress shopping GIRL. Of course I haven't fully converted to the "other side", and I don't plan to, that's just not me. But I am realizing that if I am going to be a true girl for once in my life, my wedding should be it. If I spent so much time figuring out the style of my wedding dress, and shopping online for a perfect necklace to match, then I should probably take the time to make sure I fit the bill.

So last week commenced "operation beautification". On a typical trip to the store for essentials, I decided to purchase some products to help in the process:

My hair is thin, and getting thinner every year. I have had a problem with weak locks and split ends. So I picked up some damage therapy product:

While I usually get a little bit of acne once a month (ahem), for a while my face has been fine. But NOW with the increase in humidity, I find myself sweating all day, which has caused a little extra bit of skin issues.  Heat + humidity + exercise = unhappy face. So I bought some trouble therapy skin products, which will hopefully help combat the issues I've been having:

I have very thin, flimsy nails that never seem to grow more than a tiny bit. While I do keep up with some filing and nail-painting every now and again, I bought a new Emory board, and not shown is a cuticle trimmer.  Hopefully this will remind me to work on my nails a few times a week leading up to the wedding ^^ I also bought a new pumice stone for my feet.

You might not think this is a big deal, but if you know me, you know that it's something. I have 9.5 weeks left until the big day, so hopefully I will be looking and feeling my best by then! I figured if I am going to eat healthy and exercise, I mine as well concentrate on my skin, hair and nails as well. It certainly can't hurt!

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