June 04, 2012

Ribbon Wands, Check!

Feeling accomplished today after checking off a ton of things from our checklist. This weekend was another "wedding weekend" and we did a lot! The trend continued today since I only had 2 classes.

I was able to order the ribbon and dowels for our ribbons wands:

We ordered 3 colors: the royal blue, the light blue and white

dowels from Jo Ann Fabrics
 Hopefully with a little blood sweat and tears, they will eventually turn out to look something like this:

just envision our colors instead ^^
The materials will be shipped to Heather's house and stored until we're home to put everything together. We just need a few eyelet screws and we're good to go!

The ribbon wands will be used as we exit the church, in lieu of confetti or rice. Fortunately we're not making one for every guest, just around 75, for those who want to stand in front and wave them. That way it is cheaper, and less work for us! Besides, not everyone will want to participate in the wand waving or be close enough to wave them at us as we walk by.

Can't wait to go home and make these, along with all of our other crafty projects ^^

This weekend we accomplished:

> a TON more cranes. We are now up to almost 400. That is quite an acheivement considering at the beginning of last week we had 119! We are almost half way, and are feeling very confident about the progress. We need to finish by the end of June so we can spend July poking small holes in them for stringing.

> Designed tags for the mason jars (for people to write their names on), and also designed stickers for the trail mix favor baggies.

>Created a cute puzzle for our wedding program for guests to do while they're waiting for the ceremony to begin. Now we're just waiting on finalizing readings and songs and the program will be ready for printing!

>We created post it tabs for guests so that we can start to figure out the seating chart. Of course we can't do this until everyone has RSVPed, but we have started to think about family and those who we know are coming.

>We set up a Skype meeting with the deacon so that we can finish the Marriage Investigation Form.

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