March 27, 2012

1,000 Cranes

Are we crazy? Crane crazy? Perhaps.
One of our wedding motifs is the origami crane. While origami is traditionally Japanese, the crane is steeped in myth and legend throughout east Asia, including China and Korea. It is said that cranes live for 1,000 years.

In Japan, it is a wedding tradition to make 1,000 origami cranes for good luck. If you do so, then the crane will grant you a wish, and you will live happily in your new marriage.

Since we're planning on incorporating cranes anyways, I thought, what the heck? We mine as well make 1,000 and follow the tradition.

Yes, it can take anywhere from 40-60 hours to make 1,000 cranes by hand. But we will be splitting the work in half, which is nice. Regardless of that, it will still take us a few months. I just ordered the paper for the cranes today. Maybe we will be able to start the project in 2-3 weeks time.

We might be a little crazy, but we're determined. If worse comes to worst and we can't fold all 1,000, we'll still have a butt-load of cranes to use for the reception.

Now, the question is, where will we hang them? Behind the cake? As the backdrop for the homemade photo booth? Dangling around the edges of the tent? No matter where we put them, they need to stick together. 1,000 cranes hanging together is so beautiful and dramatic. I have order a few different shades of blue and white.

Here are some inspiration photos:

Wish us luck! we're going to need hands of STEEL! Pictures to come when the paper arrives :)

1 comment:

  1. so what ever happened with the 1000 cranes and how did you use them? what are you doing with them now? My daughter is wanting 1000 cranes at her wedding and I am looking at options for how they are used. thanks,
