May 20, 2012

Labor of Love

After weeks and weeks of prep and construction, the invitations are complete and ready to be mailed! When I say complete, I mean all of the invites that will be sent together in a box to the States are ready to go, around 85 envelopes. We still have to make a few more for our friends here in Korea. But it's all good! We are so happy of the end result and can't wait until people start RSVPing to our wedding!

Doesn't look like much, but it's months of work!
an up close picture of my family's invite
Just one of the many surfaces in our house covered in projects
As we sat on the couch tying the twine around the pocket-folds and putting them into envelopes, Matt stopped mid-tie and exclaimed how crazy it is to think we'll be getting responses back from people soon. While we're not going to have traditional RSVP cards coming back to us in the mail, we'll still be receiving emails and messages from my mother, which will be so exciting. It's been very hard for us to keep focus sometimes since it's been such a long engagement, but now that the invitations are going out the reality of it all is really seeming to bombard us in the face, in an anxious but thrilling way of course!

Now that the invitations are done for now, it's time to get back to folding cranes! We only have 120, so we have a longgggg ways to go! Time to get crackin'!

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