May 31, 2012

Kickin' it into High Gear

So now that our wonderfully relaxing 3-day weekend is over, we're ready to kick into high gear! We have 8.5 weeks to go until we're home in Maine (yes that's just 57 days away!) and just 11.5 weeks until the big day. So, that's basically 8 weeks left in Korea to get all the projects done that we've assigned as "do while here" as opposed to "do in Maine".

After a bit of crane-ing last night (count as of right now: 220), Matt and I hashed out a more detailed list of everything we need to get done here. It amounts to about 12 projects, some big and some small. With only 8 weeks left we're designating a few projects each week that we need to tackle in order to get it all done in time. The pressure is on but we're feeling re-energized and ready to go!

I know at some point we'll get burnt out, so the way I see it we should try to get as much done now while we're in a motivated and productive mood than leave it until later when we just want to throw the towel in!

Here are just some of the things we'll be working on while in Korea:
1. Folding 1000 cranes (duh) and then sticking a needle through them to prepare them for stringing
2. Finishing the final touches on the ceremony program and printing them here.
3. Designing and printing seating cards
4. Designing and printing tags for the mason jars (for people to write their names on)
5. finalizing the ceremony readings and music
6. finalizing the cute poems/sayings that we're having at various tables around the reception

Along with the projects, we've both being doing well with exercise and I've started a diet this week. I've been bringing my own lunch to school (salads, sandwiches sans bread, etc.) and have cancelled the school lunch fee for the next two months. That way I won't tempt myself with white rice and salty soups and fried meat!

crane-in' at my desk ^^

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