July 09, 2012

No Woman, No Cry

A lot of people interpret Bob Marley's famous lyrics in a negative light: "If I don't have a woman to love, then there won't be a reason to cry"...as in...love can be painful.  I don't like to think of it that way, and I am not alone. I interpret the lyrics as "No Woman, Don't Cry", like he is consoling her: "Here little darling, don't shed no tears"...you see?

Regardless of the real meaning, I titled my post because it's time to talk about tears. I am a crier, not going to lie. I have always gotten a little teary during particular sad or romantic movies (at the end of the Notebook...anyone?), but I feel like lately (in the past 2 years or so), it's gotten much, much worse. When the Lion King came out in 3D in Korea, I had to contain myself from wiping my tears from my face at the opening scene with the circle of life. That movie sums up my entire childhood. When we went to see War Horse without knowing too many details, holy crap, I was practically bawling towards the end of that movie...damn animals toying with my emotions!!

So, you can probably see where this is going. Although I don't think I am going to be a bawler, I do think I might have some issues. Fortunately for me, Matt says I am cute when I cry, so that's good, I don't want to be one of those ugly criers in front of 140 people!

To remedy this issue, Matt suggests I watch this video over and over again until I am numb and void of all emotion:

It's the P&G Olympics commercial, which I am sure most of you have seen back home, but it's completely new to me. I was researching Olympic advertisements for my students for the Olympic themed summer camp, and I came across this tear-jerker. What the heck, people?!

Matt was only joking of course, but I wonder if it would help at all if I just practiced the vows and such a lot before the big day. While it might help calm my nerves, I don't think it will help in the crying department. If I cry, I cry. Now which of my maids will be holding the tissues?!

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