July 25, 2012

Wedding Programs

Here is a sneak peek of a project that I am trying to get done before stepping on the plane in just
 3 DAYS.

These are our cute little ceremony programs, which are also fans. Not to be brutally honest, but I think that the fan might come in handy more than the actual program itself! Claire, our
South African friend, graciously offered to design these as well, and they're absolutely awesome. While we had a few snafus with the printing margins (stupid printers, honestly...we can make microscopic storage chips but we still have ridiculously junky printers?) we got them to work and I've been printing and cutting like a mad woman.

A few pieces of double sided tape (I think we've gone through a total of 15 rolls so far for all projects), these puppies are strong and work as wonderful fans. I think we will definitely be needing them at the church for an August wedding! Maybe some guests will save them and bring them to the reception as well.

Included on the program:

side 1: the wedding ceremony program itself. This has names of our priest, cantor and organist, as well as the order of events. Since this is a Catholic wedding and most of our guests are not Catholic, we thought it would be nice to give everyone a head's up on what will happen in order. There are also the readings and names of those who will be reading for us.

side 2: this side is a bit of fun. We have a cute little icon of our wedding party, with everyone's names listed, including the bride and groom, best man, maid of honor, maids, groomsmen, junior maids, flower girls and ring bearer. SHEESH, people...we have a LOT of peeps in our party! Under that diagram is a little Mad-Lib story that guests can do in pairs (we will put golf pencils out), while waiting for the ceremony to begin. Basically it's a cute story of us (Matt and Dani), that everyone can fill in funny parts of speech to make it interesting.

I have about 60 done with another 40 being printed as we speak!

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