July 03, 2012

Red Mud Healing

This week is finals week here in most schools in Korea. Late, isn't it? Actually the last day of school isn't until July 21st (!!!) so we actually have two more weeks after this of COMPLETE FLUFF. Seriously, teachers break out the movies and it is just hot, sweaty, monsoony mayhem.

Because midterm and final exams only take place in the mornings, it provides a great opportunity for school teachers to do something together as a type of bonding in the afternoons. As I have mentioned many times, it's all about community and family in this country. Whenever there is an opportunity to strengthen relationships, these peeps will do it.

This time around we went to a recreational forest outside of Daejeon that is famous for its red mud path. You take off your shoes and delight in walking in squishy clay that is supposedly beneficial for your health.

view from the path

can you spot the snowy crane in the rice fields?

two of my English co-teachers enjoying the clay
it's definitely not mud, but clay
three of my English co-teachers and one Korean teacher

What made today interesting was that Matt's school ended up going on a field trip to the SAME place! This never happens, since there are so many mountains surrounding the city. My teachers and I sat on that platform pictured above and he just came strolling up the path with his teachers, too funny! He sat and chatted with my teachers for a while, since they all know him. They had just gotten their wedding invitations from me a few hours earlier, so they were so excited and happy to be talking to us about the big day.

After our nice walk we went to a local restaurant for some du-bu (tofu in English) that had been soaked in soy sauce, duck and pork, and simple side dishes. Can I just say that I love duck?

It makes me a little sad to know that I only have two more testing periods left before my time here at Mannyeon Middle School is done.

It makes me HAPPY though, to know that I have less than 4 weeks left until MAINE! ^___^

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